Doctor's Formula Lactofer Iron Formula 30 Capsules
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The LACTOFER Iron Formula

is a dietary supplement containing iron, lactoferrin, copper and vitamins C, B9 (folic acid) and B12. It contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells, hemoglobin and normal hematopoiesis. It also contributes to the normal transfer of iron into the body as well as to the transfer of oxygen and the reduction of fatigue and fatigue.

  • The absorption of iron is facilitated by the presence of lactoferrin, while vitamin C increases the absorption of iron.

The LACTOFER Iron Formula

is a dietary supplement containing iron, lactoferrin, copper and vitamins C, B9 (folic acid) and B12. It contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells, hemoglobin and normal hematopoiesis. It also contributes to the normal transfer of iron into the body as well as to the transfer of oxygen and the reduction of fatigue and fatigue.

  • The absorption of iron is facilitated by the presence of lactoferrin, while vitamin C increases the absorption of iron.

The iron present in LACTOFER Iron Formula,
thanks to micro2 [microencapsulated & micronized mineral salts] Paul Lohmann®,
ensures a smaller particle size (d90: about 300 μM), improving functionality and bioavailability.

Through a uniquely developed coating process, the metal salts are covered with a layer of vegetable fat. Thanks to this integration technology, metal salts retain their natural characteristics and offer significant advantages, making iron sulphate bioactive, which is very active.

Thus, unpleasant iron nuisances, such as strong metallic taste, are eliminated, while improved flow, dosage control and stomach tolerance due to controlled release of metal into the digestive system.

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